Cheese Chats 1
A snippet of a not real podcast where 2 guys are stuffing their faces with KD and no one can understand what they’re talking about.
Office Hours
An office hours video for the KD x KFC collab
That One Photogenic Friend
We all have that friend.
That’s what a good roommate does.
Kraft Dinner Day
July 14th is National Mac & Cheese Day, but in Canada, we call it Kraft Dinner, let’s see if everyone else does too.
Edit: I was so stumped on this edit that I ended up having a dog save the day
Paranormal Mactivity
Kraft Dinner but make it Paranormal Activity
Kraft Dinner PJs
Not for sale.
Cheese Chats Pt 3
A snippet of a not real podcast about two guys who always have their mouths full of KD. Here they’re talking about Christmas shopping.
Suspect has...
We’ve got him in custody.
KD Fever Dream
The perfect loop…
I Know the Microwave Loves to See Me Coming
And it did indeed…
I Never See You at the KD Shrine
Will you be at the next seance?
When ur being chased...
It was freezing when we shot this.
Our Gen Z Intern Edited This
Actually, I did.
You Know What... Hell Yeah
Roommate made the call.