content creator | producer | director | editor | podcaster
Acting Reel (2025)
A collection of times I was in front of a camera pretending to be different people.
Acting Reel (2022)
An older version of a collection of times I was in front of a camera pretending to be different people.
YouTube Plumbers
A man hires a pair of plumbers who may be too good to be true.
Chronically Rizzless
What started as an inside joke about Kirby Sloan's lack of game turned into an epidemic affecting men across Toronto.
Penny Oleksiak & Emmanuelle Felix | Bird's Eye View Ep 1
Drinking mustard and getting silly with Olympic Swimmer Penny Oleksiak and Basketball Star Emmanuelle Felix.
Pitching our Film at TIFF
Becoming the filmmakers we weren’t born to be.
Anthony Cirelli | Bird's Eye View Ep 2
Getting a ham sandwich signed by NHL All-Star Anthony Cirelli.
Kicking, Catching and Screaming
Can the average university student keep up with a pro athlete? Not really.
A Birthday Powerpoint Presentation for my Sister
My little sister turns 14 today and I can't be there to celebrate with her, nor can I afford anything from her $8,000 wish list. So, I made this video instead.
Drake - First Person Shooter ft. J. Cole
I was in the dog mask.
The Test
A drama mystery avante-garde thriller bio-pic period piece film noir with a rom-com touch.
Give Us Your Garbage (Part 1)
Panicked by global warming, the boys scram to collect garbage at the park before it's too late.
Give Us Your Garbage (Part 2)
Saving the earth. Our way.
We Joined The Mob
We became mobsters for a night.
Crashing Our Campus Halloween Party
Crashing the party we never got invited to.
We Crashed A Car and Ate Like Liver King | Cottage Weekend Vlog
A weekend at the cottage.
Hockey Practice
The boys reunite to plan a summer shooting schedule.
People Hate Our Christmas Gifts
Spreading Christmas cheer in support of the North-West Wyoming Children’s Baking Guild!
Finding Love at School
Asking TMU students about their return to campus (whether they like it or not).
Finding Friends on Campus (unsuccessful)
Nobody wants to be our friend.